"Free Public Childcare and Pre-K is Popular and Affordable"

The people of the US need to take back the levers of our government from the wealthy. If we had a functioning democracy, we would have many of the nice things other advanced countries do. More of us need to join active political organizations, and fight for the changes we need.

Matt Bruenig, making the case for public childcare and pre-K:

In October of last year, People’s Policy Project commissioned a poll from YouGov to determine the popularity of this proposal. The poll asked 1,004 registered voters the following question:

“Would you support or oppose a policy to have the federal government provide grants to local school districts to provide free public child care for all children too young to attend school?”

YouGov found that the proposal was popular. Overall, 57 percent of Americans support the proposal while only 35 percent oppose it. Among Democrats, the support was overwhelming, with 82 percent in favor of the proposal and only 12 percent against it.

Source: https://www.peoplespolicyproject.org/proje...