This is one of the most important elections we’ve had in a long time. Please vote. Now more than ever, it matters. Most immediately, we need to thoroughly reject the radicalism that’s taken over the Republican Party: the cronyism, the authoritarianism, and the violent white nationalism. Vote for anyone who rejects Trump-style fascism.
But perhaps more important for the longterm, this may be the last best chance we have to begin pushing back against the corruption at the top simply by voting (and make not mistake this is only a beginning). Power has been allowed to concentrate for decades; at this point, there’s a two-tiered economy as well as justice system, and the voting system is under attack as well (thanks in no small part to the Supreme Court’s undermining of the Voting Rights Act). Vote for every candidate you can who’s going to fight to break up concentrated wealth and capital, and restore and ensure a (small-d) democratic vote.