We haven't begun to figure out how technology is affecting us as a species, yet it's changing our social world more and more, faster and faster. One small, bizarre, and extremely creepy product of automated video creation on YouTube is the massive pile of hour-long bot-generated toddler/kid videos, which are flagged as kid-safe, but never reviewed by an actual person. The volume and speed of production is so great, it would be impossible to moderate. What do we do?
This video, BURIED ALIVE Outdoor Playground Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes Animation Education Learning Video, contains all of the elements we’ve covered above, and takes them to another level. Familiar characters, nursery tropes, keyword salad, full automation, violence, and the very stuff of kids’ worst dreams. And of course there are vast, vast numbers of these videos. Channel after channel after channel of similar content, churned out at the rate of hundreds of new videos every week. Industrialised nightmare production.