Once again: There is no ‘war on cops.’ And those who claim otherwise are playing a dangerous game.

An air of criticism doesn't equal a "war." We need to be able to have frank conversations about those licensed with the power to inflict violence; and we should hold them to high standards.

As I’ve noted here before, we’re seeing similar rhetoric from politicians, particularly from GOP presidential hopefuls, including Donald TrumpTed Cruz, and Scott Walker.
All of this fact-free fearmongering is having an effect. A Rasmussen poll taken last week found that 58 percent of respondents now believe there is now a “war on police.” Just 27 percent disagreed.
So let’s go through the numbers. Again. So far, 2015 is on pace to see 35 felonious killings of police officers. If that pace holds, this year would end with the second lowest number of murdered cops in decades...