Really tough read.
One of the fundamental points of the article, though, is that life is complex, and we need to be cautious to avoid simple narratives (if there's one thing I could teach every human on this planet, I might choose that):
...A substantial proportion of the public reacts not merely with anger, but with frothing vitriol.
Ed Hickling believes he knows why. Hickling is a clinical psychologist from Albany, N.Y., who has studied the effects of fatal auto accidents on the drivers who survive them. He says these people are often judged with disproportionate harshness by the public, even when it was clearly an accident, and even when it was indisputably not their fault.
Humans, Hickling said, have a fundamental need to create and maintain a narrative for their lives in which the universe is not implacable and heartless, that terrible things do not happen at random, and that catastrophe can be avoided if you are vigilant and responsible.
Basically, that's not the case. Saying "our brains aren't perfect" is an understatement. They're complete shit under the right circumstances, and easily misled (at best) the rest of the time. We only look like god-beings compared to the rest of the animal world. If I were designing a human, I wouldn't have settled on this.
Again, really good (difficult) read. Read it to increase your understanding of human beings, and to increase your empathy.